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准备满足iOS14要求:更新Facebook上的广告客户体验 今天就行动

准备满足iOS14要求:更新Facebook上的广告客户体验 今天就行动
Enjoy出海小编  ·  Jan 18, 2021 10:29:51 AM


在我们继续为Apple iOS 14要求所产生的变化做准备时,我们正在分享我们在广告工具中正在启动的体验的更新,这些经验将指导您完成这些更改,包括您很快将能够采取的一些操作采取。尽管苹果公司尚未明确他们何时会强制执行AppTransparencyTracking提示,但我们仍在采取进一步措施来帮助您做好准备,并减少您在Facebook应用程序中的广告受到的干扰。因为苹果的政策还没有很明确我们可以提前做一些准备。


从2021年1月14日开始,您将开始在Ads Manager中看到产品内标语,以传达即将到来的归因并报告更改。在我们的帮助中心文章中详细了解这些更改。






•资源中心:为即将到来的iOS 14要求做好准备,Facebook将启动资源中心:Ads Manager里面的新标签,包含自定义的任务清单,通过这个来指导您完成可采取相关行动来确保广告设置达到最佳。(请留意从2021年1月19日开始的帮助中心内的信息通知)


•归因窗口设置:帐户级别的归因窗口会有新的归因设置(更新),新的广告设置将变为为7天点击和1天浏览,这可能会导致报告的转化次数减少。就可以通过使用Ads Manager中的“比较Windows”功能来查看归因窗口的变化,以查看现有窗口的效果。


•事件设置流程:在Apple执行这个之前,我们为应用类型客户推出能够在Ads Manager中通过API设置和测试基于SKAdNetwork的应用安装广告系列的功能。然后,对于网站类型的客户,广告客户将能够查看,编辑和确定给定域允许的8个转化事件的优先级。




• Conversion Lift Update:对于自助转化,我们将不再能够通过iOS14用户的所有应用事件。对于包含iOS14应用安装广告系列的广告源,我们将限制创建自助转化转化测试。苹果强制执行其iOS14要求后,实验工具中的保持测试将暂停。




•Facebook登录更新:Facebook登录会出现“附加”模式,并配合ios14数据追踪政策。新版本的Facebook登录,要实施此新版本的Facebook登录,请将您的Facebook iOS SDK或Facebook SDK for Unity更新至版本9.0+。有关此新版本的Facebook登录信息,包括实施文档和常见问题解答,请看开发人员页面。





•   今天就行动

o   如果使用Facebook SDK,请更新到版本8.1或更高版本。

o   如果使用任何基于应用程序的业务工具(FB SDK,App Events API,MMP SDK),则需要使用“已启用广告商跟踪”标志来指示Facebook限制每个事件使用数据。

o   通过使用Ads Manager中的“比较Windows”功能来查看所有现有窗口的效果,为归因窗口的变化做准备(会陆续将窗口归隐更改为替换为7天点击和1天浏览)

•   从1月19日开始

o   如果要使用自动应用程序广告针对应用程序事件,价值和移动应用程序安装进行优化,则如果使用任何基于应用程序的业务工具(FB SDK,应用程序事件API,MMP SDK),则需要配置转换架构。

o   计划运行所有iOS 14应用程序安装广告系列,一个应用只可以开一个ios14广告账户,9个campaign,其中每个campaign不高于5个广告集



o 今天就行动

  ♣ 如果需要,请在Facebook Business Manager中验证您的域名。

  ♣ 通过使用Ads Manager中的“ Comparing Windows”功能来查看



o 从1月19日开始



♣查看并考虑替换可能受到影响的ad sets,直接复制ad sets 使用新的转化事件,这样被复制的ad set将会被立刻暂停。如果不想弄,你就等Apple执行之后再处理


• 今天我们建议您阅读以下帮助中心文章,详细了解Apple iOS 14要求将如何影响Facebook广告:


• 使用iOS版Facebook SDK,App Events API和移动测量合作伙伴吸引iOS 14用户


• 使用Facebook Pixel达到iOS 14用户。


我们致力于提供强大的资源和工具,以帮助您应对由Apple iOS 14要求引起的复杂性,并继续在我们的平台上推动业务成果。从2021年1月19日开始,您将可以访问资源中心,并开始在我们的界面中查看所有相关通知。




Preparing for iOS 14 requirements: Updated advertiser experiences on Facebook


As we continue to prepare for the changes created by Apple’s iOS 14 requirements, we’re sharing an update on experiences we’re launching in our advertising tools that will guide you through these changes, including some of the actions you will soon be able to take. While Apple has still not made it clear to the industry when they will enforce their AppTransparencyTracking prompt, we are taking advance steps to help prepare you and reduce disruption to your advertising across Facebook apps. 


Beginning  January14,2021,  you will start to see in-product banners communicating upcoming attribution and reporting changes in Ads Manager. Learn more about these changes in our Help Centerarticle.


Beginning  January19,2021,  and rolling out over the course of two weeks, you can expect the followingupdates:


  • ResourceCenter: We will launch Resource Center, a new tab in Ads Manager with a customized checklist of tasks to guide you through actions you can take to help ensure your advertising is set up optimally and prepare for the upcoming impact of iOS 14 requirements. Most tasks and updates will link to Help Center articles -- available starting on January 19, 2021 -- to further support you through thesechanges.


  • AttributionWindowSetting: We will be replacing the account level attribution window with a new attribution setting accessible during campaign creation at the ad set level. For active and new ad sets, the setting will default to 7-day click and 1-day view, which may result in a decrease in the number of reported conversions.  Today, you can prepare for attribution  window changes by  usingthe Comparing Windowsfeature in Ads Manager to see performance across all existing windows.


  • EventSet-upFlows: Ahead of Apple’s prompt enforcement, within the ads creation flow, we are rolling out the ability for app advertisers to set up and test SKAdNetwork-based app install campaigns in Ads Manager and via API. Additionally, for web events, advertisers will be able to view, edit, and prioritize the 8 conversion events allowed for a givendomain.




  • Conversion Lift Update: For self-serve Conversion Lift we will no longer be able to measure all the app events from iOS 14 users. We will limit the

    self-serve Conversion Lift test creation for ad sources that include iOS 14 app install campaigns. The holdout tests in Experiments tool will be paused once Apple's enforcement of its iOS 14 requirement becomes effective.





  • FacebookLoginUpdate: Facebook Login will now have a Limited Login mode that implements safeguards that allow advertisers to choose whether Facebook can use the fact that a person used Facebook to log into an advertiser’s iOS app to target advertising or measure advertising effectiveness. To implementthisnewversionofFacebookLogin,updateyour Facebook iOS SDK  or  Facebook SDKforUnity  to version9.0+.  For more informationon

    this new version of Facebook Login, including implementation documentation and FAQs, we encourage you to visitour Developers pages.   


  • Additionally, we’re reiterating guidance on actions that you can take today, and those you can plan to take starting January 19, 2021.


  • If you optimize, target, and/or measure using app events:


  • Today


o   If using the Facebook SDK, update to version 8.1 orabove.

o   If using any app-based business tools (FB SDK, App Events API, MMP SDKs) you will need to use the “Advertiser Tracking Enabled” flag to instruct Facebook to restrict data use on a per-eventbasis.

o   Prepare for attribution window changes byusingthe  Comparing  Windows feature in Ads Manager to see performance across all existing windows..


  • Beginning January 19


o   If using any app-based business tools (FB SDK, App Events API, MMP SDKs) you will need to configure your conversion schema if you intend to optimize for App Events, Value and Mobile App Installs with Automated App Ads.


o   Plan to operate all iOS 14 app install campaigns with one ad account per app, nine campaigns per app, and five ad sets per campaign of the same optimization type.


  • If you optimize, target, and/or measure using web events: 


o   Today


  • If required, verify your domain in Facebook BusinessManager.


  • Prepare for attribution window changes byusingthe  Comparing  Windows feature in Ads Manager to see performance across all existing windows.


o   Beginning January 19


  • Set up event configuration for your domain in EventsManager.


  • Review and consider replacing ad sets that will be impacted. Duplicate ad sets that use new conversion events will be published immediately and replaced ad sets will be paused. If this is not the desired outcome, you should wait to replace affected ad sets once Apple enforces theirprompt.


We encourage you to learn more about how Apple’s iOS 14 requirements will impact Facebook advertising by reviewing these Help Center articles:


  • Use the Facebook SDK for iOS, App Events API and Mobile Measurement Partners to Reach iOS 14Users

  • Use Facebook Pixel to Reach iOS 14 Users.


We’re committed to providing robust resources and tools that will help you navigate the complexities created by Apple’s iOS 14 requirements and continue to drive business outcomes on our platform. Beginning January 19,2021, you will have access to the Resource Center and will begin to see all of the relevant notifications in our interfaces.



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